Recent Missives

I have not posted in a while, but that does not mean I am not working. I am doing things on Facebook almost every day. I wanted to share these few things and show I have not forgotten my blog entirely. Much has been happening and I do not always feel like fighting with this interface. It eats my artwork, for no good reason. I don’t post anything not my own, so it makes me quite upset.

I hope you will enjoy these entries. I am doing some videos now too. If you want to see them you do not have to be my friend on Facebook to find them. Just look up my profile JoAnn J. A. Jordan and they are public so you can view them.


2017-03-27 Journal

2017-03-27 Journal Part 2jpg

2017-03-26 Monster after me In Color

2017-03-27 Journal 3

2017-03-28 Journal

I am grateful:

  1. It appears Mom will be able to come home from Rehab soon.
  2. I found music calms me being here alone.
  3. I can still write.
  4. The dogs are here to give me animal support.
  5. I made a friend who actually is not many miles away.

If you would like to work creatively, think of something that appears to be a monster in your life. Make a representation of that thing, either by writing about it or creating art or photography that visualizes it.

Please follow my blog to get alerts of my posts. I am not as regular with them as I once was, but sometimes I have things to communicate.

Thank you for reading. I hope God most generously blesses you in all you attempt and do. Remember you are precious and very important. You have a purpose and you deserve respect.

Jo Ann

Thoughts in the dark of night

I wrote this while most were sleeping. It was one of those times when sleep eluded me. Perhaps having a new pen had something to do with it too. I hope you can read my scribblings.


Worth More Than The Stars

You may not realize
How very important you are
In the eyes of those
Who love you completely,
And God who created you
To be His own chosen child;
No matter your mistakes, sins,
You are treasured beyond your imagining,
You are counted among the precious,
Priceless people who are never forgotten.
You are worth more than the stars.

This photograph has nothing to do with the subject recounted above, but I thought it grand.


My doggy, Hope, who is my close companion now because it is raining and she is afraid of rain.

I am grateful:

  1. I have my Mom for whom to care.
  2. My dog is a very loving animal who helps me deal with problems.
  3. There are beautiful ink pens in the world.
  4. I am reasonably good at writing.
  5. My new keyboard and mouse arrived on Monday.
  6. We have central heat and air to keep us comfortable.
  7. There is plenty of food in the house.
  8. I have very recently secured a part-time job as Copy Editor for local publications.
  9. My friends have encouraged me when I could not believe in myself.
  10. My son will soon come off recruiting duty which is his wish.

If you have the time, write a short list of things for which you are thankful. I find detailing my blessings improves my mood and makes what I lack seem less important. You might find it beneficial as well.

If you need a prompt, consider doing as the handwritten part of this entry suggests and handwrite something. If you send someone a letter or card, I guarantee it will brighten their day.

Creativity is your natural state. Open yourself to the inspiration around you, put your mind and hands to work adding something beautiful to the world. We need what you have to share. Someone might be looking for exactly what you have to say. So get busy and create a work of art in whatever form you choose.

If you have enjoyed this blog, I invite you to explore more pages, follow it, so you get email updates, and come back to visit often.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Just A Few Musings

This is a picture of me taken yesterday after physical therapy. After surgery on my right knee I need a little help getting back up to speed.


I have a few musings to share that have been written recently.

Own This
Dreams come true,
Yes they do, believe,
Say fervent prayers,
Follow your heart,
Invest your life,
Create the reality
That fits your desire.
Claim the miracle,
Make good on your promise,
Carry out your purpose,
Then watch your wishes
Become manifest in the now,
It happens, you can fulfill
All your fondest hopes.
Know it can transpire,
You have what it takes,
You deserve the gift,
Dreams come true!
© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, October 28, 2016

Love is the answer to the questions of the soul. It has the power to relax the weary mind and supply comfort to the body. Love holds the world in place in space and time. Love is the miracle giving life in the present, and eternal existence. Be at peace for Love is, and knows your name. You are never forsaken, forgotten because Love always surrounds you. There is one Truth, and He is Love.

I equate Love with my Lord, Jesus, but see Love as you will, Love is here for you.

No Wasted Words

Writing can do magic,
Of this I am convinced,
Because it has supplied
Me with things, once,
I thought impossible.

This life improves,
Becomes more blest,
By words written
Courageously, despite
Overwhelming fear.

To live this moment
More richly alive
Is fulfillment of
Long held dreams
Unbelievably realized.

Lessons learned
Through pages turned;
Questions asked,
Answers given,
Unconditional deliverance.

An article made request,
An inadequate email in reply,
A prayer answered;
The story continues
Much better than before.

Writing, editing, publishing,
Art, photography, design,
These things I love,
Finally, pay dividends,
Life becomes sublime.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, October 28, 2016

You must define yourself; no one else knows who you are. You develop your abilities, your specializations. Let no one impose limitations on you; you are capable of changing the world.

I know I don’t understand, I don’t have the experience, I cannot live your life with your challenges, but please know I am here. I want to hear your story; I want to listen carefully and learn what I can. I want to understand. I want to wrap you in love and show I care about all you are going through.

I tell you all that miracles happen all the time.

This evening I gave Mom a bath in the little bitty shower that is too small for a human being. She was standing up after I rinsed her and went to sit down. Somehow she had turned so that her bottom came outside the shower stall and she headed for the floor. I caught her mostly on the leg that hurts so much because I am still recovering from surgery and with my arms. I pushed and pulled her upward and pushed her back into the stall and onto her shower stool.

We managed to get her settled without a fall, but in reality, I should not have been able to do it. Both of us should have wound up with broken bones.

God was with us, and it was a miracle.

I hope November brings you many blessings. May you find many opportunities, much prosperity, and lots of love.

As a prompt today, write about something unexpected that happened over the last week and how it made you feel.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you enjoyed your time here please subscribe and be sure to come back soon.

Jo Ann


Some Textual Photos I Created Today

Mothers Day 2016

Tribute to Penny

Butterfly & Flowers_edited with text

Red Lilies

Writing Inspirations Photo_edited

I hope you enjoyed these creations from my photos. I hope you have an awesome day. I encourage you to create something today. You are capable of making whatever you desire and it will enrich your life. The world needs more of us to share our originality.

I am grateful today:

1.     I was accepted for a Creative Writing Specialization with Wesleyan University on financial aid.
2.     I have the technological devices I need to do creative work.
3.     I have access to multitudes of books through my local library.
4.     I had my eyes examined and have new contacts and glasses that make the world clear for me.
5.     We have plenty of food to sustain us.
6.     I have some beautiful clothing.
7.     Our home is temperate and comfortable.
8.     Some of my creative work was published in the Chapel Hill News & Views.
9.     We have had our Explorer a year, and it is one of the best vehicles I have ever driven.
10.   I have some wonderful, supportive friends around the world.

Now it is your turn. Make a list of at least five things for which you are grateful today. This will have a positive effect on you even, and especially, if you are going through a difficult time. Life looks better when you count your blessings. It makes you appreciate what you have, in spite of what you may lack.

Here is a picture I took a while back that I call, “Meet Me Here.” Your creative challenge is to write a story that might happen here, or one about this photo. Have fun, and do not allow your inner critic to stymie your work. You have the ability to create something wonderful.

Meet Me Here

Finally, if you enjoyed what you have seen here, please subscribe to my blog. I would love for you to share this blog with your friends if you feel it would add quality to their lives.

All the work found here is originally created by Jo Ann J. A. Jordan and is covered by copyright. Should you wish to share please credit the work.

All the best to each of you,
God Bless,
Jo Ann

Ramblings Of A Sleepless Mind

You are not required to stay up all night to reap the benefits of my activity. Please just follow along…

Journal 10-22-20130001

I want to start up my business again, but I don’t have any capital to begin… I guess dreaming is the best I can do. I wish I could win the lottery, but somehow I think that is unlikely since I do not buy tickets… If wishes were horses, beggars would ride…

My dog, Hope, has expensive tastes, she likes pistachios. I can hardly afford them for myself, what am I supposed to do now that the dog begs for them whenever I get the bag out?

What’s on your mind? Funny you should ask, because I have been thinking about trying to start my magazine up online. It would be a literary and art magazine showcasing a wide variety of talent as it was when I published it in print form. I do not know if I have a wide enough network to gather submissions, and I am not sure I have the discretionary time to afford all the effort required, but I am considering it. I have the prerequisite software for it and I think I might be able to secure web hosting… Am I ready to take the reins as editor and publisher again? It is not an easy job, for writers are sometimes troublesome, but I like a challenge… I wonder if I am too old to begin doing it again. It is a huge task and requires diligence… So that is what is on my mind…

Have you ever noticed that as a usual thing every other version Microsoft releases is great? Take Windows 98, great; Windows Millennium, not so good; Windows XP, great; Windows Vista, not so good; Windows 7, great; Windows 8, not so good; Windows 8.1, decent… Why do we beta test for them on every other release? Seems like their software engineers would get it together every time. Maybe they need to quit rushing out versions and wait until they have a solid release…

I just realized it was after 2:00AM… I am wide awake and feeling creative. Why is it that nighttime seems to be the time of ideas for me? I want to be a morning person, but it just does not work for me. I am a hopeless night owl. The daytime world just does not have the appeal of after dark… Is something wrong with me? I wake up when the sun goes down… not the greatest attribute.

I should have known coffee in the afternoon was a mistake, but did that stop me? Not in the least did it dissuade me… Sometimes I disregard the better part of my judgment. So I am up and feeling full of energy halfway through the night…

Why am I still in this place when I really want to move forward? Maybe fear is stopping me, but what is that about? I fear failure, because it is very hard for creatives to succeed. I fear success, because it would overturn all sorts of things in my life. I want to perfect things before I bring them out before others, and that keeps me in a stalled state, because really I can do nothing perfectly.
I am determined to get past these barriers to achieving the life I want, but it is hard… One step I can take is being positive, another step is to gather the material for what I want to accomplish. These are easy things and I should be able to do them, one small step at a time.
I am capable and I believe that my dreams can become a reality, so as I advise others, I must make the effort and continue going forward…

Going With The Flow

Rolling, that is what happens
When you allow time to wash
Over you without resistance,
You roll forward creeping into
Places you never realized you
Were really meant to go.
Time overtakes you and takes
You over the rough spaces
Where intention would not
Allow you to succeed without
A great deal of extra effort
You might unwillingly expend.
Your perfectionism cannot
Hinder you because the momentum
Comes from beyond yourself,
You drift on currents that lift
Your fragile spirits up higher
Than you ever imagined going.
You roll, a creative force,
Unstoppable, moving through
Both time and space with only
One idea to carry you onward,
A positive declaration that you
Will finally accomplish your dreams.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adjusted the settings on my mouse… Now this clunky mouse works like the best I have ever had. Who knew tweaking the software could make such improvements? Now I think I love the Logitech M705. It is like having a whole new mouse.

Just fixed a cup of coffee because I have decided I want to stay up all day… Should be no problem, the night is nearly over and daylight will soon arrive. Now if only the coffee cup cools down enough that I can drink from it…

Mom gave me some pens she has not used. Ink pens! Gel pens! I love free pens… My Mom is the greatest! Happy, happy, happy!

If you wish to achieve, you must first believe! You can exceed any goal you have decreed! Just continue forward and your effort will manifest what you are working toward!

Coffee! In a seasonal cup, coffee, what more can you ask for?


Fulfilling A Need

What do we want?
Where do we get them?
We make them!
How do we do that?
We engage our creativity!
Who benefits?
The people of the world!
Why does it matter?
It wakes people to happiness!
When can we do it?
Now, because time is slipping by!
What do we want?

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Invitation Only

Come! Whispered on the air,
Inviting you to join
Others already there…
Come! Such gentle care
Exhibited for all,
Do you want to share?
Come! Do you dare
Accept the invitation,
So very fair?
Come! Do not delay
Make your choice right away
While you have the chance today!
Come! Christ beckons,
The Spirit encourages,
Come as your heart reckons!
Come! While time makes way
Because the moments flee quickly
Hearken now for seconds slip away.
Come! Your choice cannot wait,
Be fast to answer the quiet call
For it urgently decides your fate.
Come! Whispered on the air,
Inviting you to join
Others already there…

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

These are the nighttime, early morning, ramblings of a restless mind. You should join me at Jo Ann J. A. Jordan on Facebook if you would like to follow my adventures there… Lots of things make it there that never see the blog. I only put it all here today because I thought you might like to experience the process.


I am grateful:

1)   I have equipment that helps me reach my creative potential.
2)   I am old enough to choose my bedtime, most of the time anyway.
3)   People still visit my blog, even though I am no longer doing the Creativity Project.
4)   Life is a gift we can enjoy in the moment.
5)   People are a precious blessing when they touch my life.

As a prompt, write a how, what, when, where, who, why poem. If you need an example, reread the one I did above. If you are a visual artist, instead of poet, picture something that explore at least one of the aspects. I know you can do this, and I bet you will enjoy it. Your creativity is at least as bountiful as mine.

Thank you so much for visiting Chronicles and reading this post. You might find it enjoyable to browse the archives. There is much material contained there. If you like what you found here you can subscribe for email updates by entering your address in the space provided.

I hope your day meets your expectations. Generally you get out of the hours in direct proportion to what you invest, so make each moment special.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 129

Journal entry:

Journal 5-17-20130001


Caregiver, Caretaker

I am vigilant,
Watching over my mother,
Who is now almost
Helpless to do things alone,
I try to fulfill her needs.

I realize there
Are those who would easily
Trample over her
Rights in their hurry to make
All the money possible.

I am her watchdog,
Glad to be of assistance
In these waning years
When she needs my gentle care
To ease her through painful days.

I’m the vigilant
Daughter, doing my best to
Give my Mom comfort,
Trying to make her days as
Pleasant as is probable.

I hope when my time
Of need arrives that someone
Will be at my side
To lend me any help that
I may need to survive, thrive.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, May 17, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I was not in intense pain when I woke up.
2.   The milk I drank with my Oreo cookies was cold and fresh.
3.   The session with the physical therapist went well.
4.   I found a new food that Penny ate well this evening.
5.   Sam’s Club had some baby clothes on sale and we got some for our Cabbage Patch Kids.


My Friday turned out quite well. I hope your day was pleasant. You have taken time to visit here and I encourage you to invest a few moments in creative endeavors. I know you have the most amazing abilities if you will only use them. There is so much you can share with the world if you are willing. Make an effort and see what you can accomplish.

As a prompt, write about helping someone or receiving help yourself. If you create a poem, story, or journal entry, using this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope that something here has touched you. Please make this one of your regular sites to visit. You might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by email. I hope you will share any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism you may have by leaving a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 125

Journal entry:

Journal 5-13-20130001


Quiet Desperation

I’m treading the edge
Where the urge to die almost
Trumps the will to live.

I want to give up,
All the platitudes are vain,
They give no relief.

Pressure continues
To bear down on me without
Any real surcease.

I have to go on,
But have no heart to sustain
Me throughout the fight.

Tears flow down my face,
I cry out for someone’s help,
But no one aids me.

Must overcome this,
Defeat the desperation,
Somehow, I’ll make it.

I’m treading the edge
Where the urge to die almost
Trumps the will to live.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, May 13, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I had food to eat.
2.   I had clothes to wear.
3.   My dog loves me.
4.   My Mom loves me.
5.   I don’t have to sleep outside with no shelter tonight.


This has been a devastating Monday, please forgive me for being down, perhaps tomorrow will be better… perhaps I will feel like resuming the war. Right now I want to retreat and keep retreating until I cannot be found.

I hope your day was much more successful than my own. I usually encourage you to do something creative at this point, but I can understand if you feel creation would be better deferred. I felt that way tonight, but I laid my heart out anyway. Perhaps you should do the same. Who knows, it might brighten your day.

As a prompt, write about a time you felt defeated by circumstances beyond your control. The examples are above, pour your heart out on the page. If you would like to share your work and you use this prompt, please leave a link to your creation in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will find your way back here again. You can follow Chronicles by entering your email address in the space provided above so you get regular updates. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 124

Happy Mother’s Day! Here is my journal entry:

Journal 5-12-20130001

The Mother’s Day Card I made my Mom in pages:

20130512 Card For Mom0002

20130512 Card For Mom0003

20130512 Card For Mom0004

20130512 Card For Mom0001

A short poem:

My Mom

She wipes
The tears away
And reminds me I have
Many reasons in life to smile,
She encourages me to do my best
When I feel I have not the strength
To continue in my
Pursuit of joy,
Such love.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our Mother’s Day Dinner:


I am grateful:

1.   I was able to make a nice card for Mom.
2.   I even got my writing pretty straight without guidelines.
3.   I heard from Alex, if only briefly.
4.   The meal turned out better than I expected.
5.   I took a refreshing nap.

My Mom, not today because her pain is so bad…


This Sunday was very special because I spent Mother’s Day with my Mom. I hope you made some beautiful memories today. I encourage you to busy yourself doing some creative work. It will enrich your day and give you something to share with others in your life.

As a prompt, write about your mother or a woman who had a significant impact on your life. Please leave a link to your work in the comments below should you use this prompt.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed what you found here. Please come back often, and subscribe to Chronicles by email to receive future updates. I would love to know what you think, so if you care to share, leave a comment.

Jo Ann



Creativity Project Year Two-Day 113

Journal entry:

Journal 5-1-20130001

Journal 5-1-20130002


I actually wrote the following poem on Monday and had already posted my blog, then I forgot to post it yesterday. So I hope you enjoy it.

Unsung Heroes

They’re the ones who stand
Backstage, out of the spotlight,
With quiet support
For every flamboyant act
Performed before the rapt crowd.

They’re the ones who say
Constant prayers for those who brave
Terrible dangers,
A hot line to God’s power
Is kept open by their pleas.

They’re the ones seldom
Wanting any credit for
The sacrifice they
Ever so willingly make
To keep everyone else safe.

They’re the ones who will
Never mention quitting in
The face of defeat,
They have hope and faith to keep
On fighting despite the odds.

They’re the ones who don’t
Voice their doubts in the hearing
Of others who might
Then lose heart, they continue
Believing to the finish.

They’re the ones who make
Other lives worth living with
Their dedication
To lifting up their fellows
Helping them their tasks complete.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, April 29, 2013


Today’s poem, which is actually a rap song, follows:

Nonsensical Rhythm

Ooo la la…
Di op, dippity, whop, do…
That’s how it goes
When I am trying
To think of a song
To make into a poem
To write for me and you.

Ooo la la…
Di op, dippity, whop, do…
I got the music
In me and want to
Get the music inside
Of you too, so I keep
Writing until I do.

Ooo la la…
Di op, dippity, whop, do…
It does not make a lot
Of sense, but it is not
Necessary that it does,
It just has to reach out
And grab ahold of you.

Ooo la la…
Di op, dippity, whop, do…
Get yourself up,
Jump, shout, and move,
Sing out the song
I’m sharing with you,
Making it a part of you.

Ooo la la…
Di op, dippity, whop, do…
That’s how it goes
When I am trying
To think of a song
To make into a poem
To write for me and you.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   It was only cloudy and did not rain.
2.   I was able to get the x-rays from Doctor Desai’s office.
3.   I was able to get an appointment with Doctor Patel’s office.
4.   Mom saw Doctor Bueno and he helped her some.
5.   Carrie Leigh cut the grass in our little yard.


I had a stressful Wednesday, but it turned out alright. I hope you had a blissfully happy day. Now do as I have done and let your creativity loose to make something that can enrich your life and those of your readers. I know that you can do wonderful things if you only make an effort.

As a prompt, write a rap that begins with some nonsensical words in rhythm. I had never done this before today, but I quite enjoyed it and suspect you will too. Should you use this prompt, leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I hope you found encouragement in it. Come back often, but you might also want to enter your email address in the space provided above and subscribe to Chronicles. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann


Creativity Project Year Two-Day 104

Journal entry:

Journal 4-22-20130001


Earth Day Poem

The Earth
Our fantastic
Home where aspirations
Can be made real before our eyes
And all necessities are provided
To make our lives comfortable.
We must care for the Earth
For it holds our

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, April 22, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I woke up from my awful dreams this morning.
2.   My sleeping dreams do not define my life.
3.   I was persistent about not wanting tests done.
4.   Doctor Manocha found I did not have to have tests unless there is a problem.
5.   I was able to reset Mom’s stimulator, although it has been years since I have done it.


My Monday started out with terrifying dreams, then reality was a bit troublesome, but I managed to get through the day. I hope your day was less stressful. While you have a few moments to nurture your creativity, take time to make something wonderful to share with the world. I have no doubt that your imagination can produce great things.

As a prompt, write about something you have nearly forgotten, but manage to do anyway. You may create a poem, story, or journal entry and share the link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will come back often, but I encourage you to enter your email address in the space provided above and subscribe to future updates from Chronicles. Should you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann