Visitors and Going to Town


I woke up at 8:00 this morning. Hope started licking my face before I could get out of bed. I carried her to the kitchen/laundry room and tied her on her leash. Mom was cooking apple pies. She gave me a fried biscuit and a apple pie for breakfast. I let Hope loose.


Mom took some of the pies up to James and Alicia.


I read some in The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing by David Morley. I checked email and for comments on my blog. There have been no comments here for a couple of weeks. I am wondering if anyone is reading here anymore.


I tied Hope on her leash. Two of the preachers and the photographer from our church came to visit. Mom gave them birdhouses and crosses that she had painted. I gave them copies of two of my essays. They seemed pleased with the essays. Mom asked if they would like pies and they said yes. They were very impressed by the pies. I think they enjoyed their visit very much.


Mom wanted to go to town and get the oil changed in the Explorer. I called the place where we get oil changes to see if they would be able to get to us in a reasonable amount of time. They said there were three cars ahead of us. I packed my cooler and my tote bag. We went to Big 10 Tires. They told us it would be an hour before they would get to the Explorer. I had on a tee shirt and nearly froze in their waiting room. I should have worn a coat. I read some in The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing by David Morley.


After the oil was changed, we went to the dry cleaners to drop off two pair of Mom’s pants to be hemmed.


We ate lunch at Sea Breeze.


When we arrived home I let Hope loose. Yesterday Hope chewed an electric cord for one of my lamps to pieces. She is still a terrorist dog.


I read more in The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing by David Morley. Mom watched Oprah and Dr. Phil and I glanced at them from time to time.


I ate the fish and hushpuppies that were leftover from my lunch with a Caffeine Free Diet Sam’s Cola for supper.


Even though I put on a sweater, I was cold, so Mom lit the propane heater for a while.


I read more in The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing by David Morley.


I talked to Leigh, my niece, a few minutes. I wanted to know when she and her family were coming to visit, but she did not know when that would happen.


I chatted with Alex for a few minutes.


I am thankful:


  1. I am blessed with talent in writing and art.
  2. I have good books to guide my work.
  3. I have good tools with which to work.
  4. Mom is supportive of my art and writing.
  5. Hope did not get hurt when she chewed up the electrical cord because it was not plugged in.
  6. The preachers and photographer from our church liked my work.
  7. Alex talked to me for three hours on Saturday.
  8. I ordered four books from the book club and two of them are free.
  9. I have written several poems over the last couple of months.
  10. I bought some new shirts this week.


I cut off the heater in preparation for going to bed.



Jo Ann Wink

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