Creativity Project Year Two-Day 49

Journal entry:

Journal 2-26-20130001


When I’m Alone

Sometimes when I’m
Alone, I cry…
Even though I wish
These tears would not
Fall from my eyes.

Sometimes when I’m
Alone, I try…
To remember
All the many
Times we once shared.

Sometimes when I’m
Alone, I want…
To escape this
Place where I am
Now, left behind.

Sometimes when I’m
Alone, I cry…
So completely
Because you’re gone.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I had good dreams as I slept this morning.
2.   Penny has gained one pound.
3.   I was able to reschedule an appointment.
4.   Each day is a learning experience.
5.   There are so many things to do that I am very rarely the least bit bored.


This was a very good Tuesday for me. I hope you enjoyed your day as well. Creativity flourishes when we take time to nurture our imaginations. I do this daily and you should too. Just set aside a few moments to exercise your creative talents. So much can be achieved in your life if you will embrace this practice. You can positively impact the world through your endeavors.

Last night I wanted to clear my sinuses, so I got some Hall’s cough drops out. I noticed there were sayings written on the wrappers. I changed one a bit and used it as my prompt today, now I share it with you: Don’t waste a precious moment… Use this line in a poem, story, or journal entry. It got me writing and I expect it could do the same for you. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thanks so much for reading my blog. I hope you will visit often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles so you will receive email updates. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave me a comment. I read each one and appreciate them more than you know.

Jo Ann

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